


Dr. Goodman is Vermillion School District's very own Scientist in Residence. She visited our classroom on April 9, 2003 to conduct experiments with us. Check out the pictures and comments below to see all the things we learned.

It was fun having Dr.goodman come

to our class. I learned that whater



Dr. Goodman

sowd us how to be a scientis.


I like Dr.Goodman.And she taught us whater and ice makes us cold.


Dr.Goodmen came Wednesday it was fun .There was dry ice when you feel it will hurt you kind of.


She poot dry ice in food coloring

in whater and it boyld.


She did water and dry ice it make smoke.We did a color ice cube put

it in a cup of water and it did make

a tornado in the water.


I learnedThat if you have water

and ablue ice cube.And a really,

really, realy,ice make fog. it made

a little torndo.it makes whater heat.


It was cool.She showed us cool stuff.One is she put dry ice in water it looked so cool because smoke came out.


I learned one word sublime.There were goups.I liked when a gas flouted out of the glass.


Dr. Goodman came. She taught us

some things.


Dr.Goodman came on April 9 2003.she showed us if you put dry ice in water it smokes.we did three experaments. my vial was last to evaporate.Kortnis was first.


She help us and she teach us.


I was one of the people who helped Dr. Goodman pass out the things. I learned that experementing can be really, really fun, well somtimes anyway. well I geuss Its the end bye



1.Hot ice with with water/hot ice when put in water it bubles up to water vaper until the hot is gone. 2. Ice with water/when frezing water grows logger than normil.3.Water has no normil form it changes when water was in.There is more water in the world than land.4.Ice / dosen`t change unles formed into water .5.Hot ice / hot ice is not hot it is realy realy cold nobody could hold it long with out it being frezing together your fingers. The End









Dr. Goodman showed us if you put dry ice in a cup of water it will make smoke. She is scienctist.


I learned the froson ice and warm water can make smoke comes out. I leared one word sublime.I learned that if you take blue fooding makes tornados with water.


Dr. Goodman came to our class.

I learned the word evaporate makes gone. Dry ice makes smoke

when you put it in water. When you blow on the smoke the smoke

will stop and then it will go again.


Dr. Goodman asked us a quastchen and we ansered it and she said we were sintists. I know her name. Her name is Barb.I know her because she gos to my old church. I learned how to make a glass of water have fomy stuff come out of it.


I liked to watch the dry ice in water.


I thought part when the smoke came

aout of the cup. and I liked the part when the blue iceeceud mad that blue torernato.
