Our class recently read the story Dragon Gets By by Dav Pilkey. Then we learned about writing character sketches. We hope you enjoy reading our Dragon Character Sketches. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Alex Dragon looks like he has a big nose little eyes and little horns. He goes to the store. sHe says time to go shopping. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Allison Dragon is blue with purple dots and spikes. He likes to say I need to go to the store. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Anthony Dragon is blue, He has a big head and a tail with spikes on it. He goes shopping and Dragon buys cheese curls, doughnuts, ketchup,pork rinds and fudge pops. Dragon bought so much food so he couldn`t fit it in his car so he had to push his car home. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Austin He has two horns hes blue and a tail. He gos shopping and eats all the food. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Avery He loo kdlike a dinsor he lookeds like a piasor he iooked to go to shopping he says timeto goshopping he thinrs is time got oshopping |
Dragon Character Sketch by Brooke This character sketch is about Dragon Get By. Dragon is blue with pink polka-a dots on his back and spikes on his back. He goes to the store.And says a lat of times to go shopping. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Elias He looks like a t-rex that is bule and has horns. He does not talk much. He eats a bunch. He does not think very well. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Grace Dragon is blue with purple dots on his back. Dragon likes to go shopping. Dragon says lets go shopping. Dragon thinks it is time to go shopping. written and ilustrated by dav pilkey |
Dragon Character Sketch by Heath Dragon is purple and blue.He Has spikes on his back. He said I will push my car home and then he said I will go to the store. Dragon had no food at his hose. he likes to eat sweets. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Kortni He has horns he is blue and he has spot. he gos shopping. he says time to go shopping. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Matthew Dragon is a shopper. He is dlue and purple. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Sarah He is blue he has purple spots on his back.He drivs to the store to get groeries Dragon said I will push my car home. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Taylor Dragon is blue. He has spikes. He Loves to eat a lot He sad time to go soping. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Tiffany Dragon is blue. His favarite thing is the store. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Trinity He likes to eat. Dragon looks in his cupboard. |
Dragon Character Sketch by William He was blue purple spots and the back. he goes shopping. dragon will go shopping. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Dylan Dragon is blue an he loves to eat cheesecurls an ketchup an chocolate bars. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Napé He is a dragon he's biue and has horns. He goes shopping. He said time to go shopping. |
Dragon Character Sketch by Michael He has blue on . He has purple spikes on his back and he likes to go shopping . He like to get lots of food.He likes cheesecurls. He likes dounets and fudgepops. |